Life is… constantly reinventing yourself

I haven’t updated my blog for a long time. I’ve thought of it, but the time has passed by without action. You see, I found my career -that all consuming job that makes you feel alive and as though you’ve found your purpose. I had what I believed to be the best job in the world for the past six years.

I was a leader.

I was making a difference to children, families and my community.

I was developing my employees to ensure that they grow.

I was hardly seeing my own children, but I was growing and providing opportunities for other people’s children.

I was achieving results above and beyond expectations.

I was working 50+ hours per week plus most weekends.

I was burning out.

When I burnt out for the third time at the end of last year, I realized something needed to change. I missed my own children. My partner was keeping the house going and living with just a shell of a person (me). I was all consumed by the job and had let the job consume my life. I didn’t want to leave the relationships and connections that I’d made but I also realized I wasn’t being a good mother, partner, sister, daughter to those I loved. I’d become so career driven that work had become my only priority. It was a narrow, sad life.

I quit the job. It wasn’t easy but I’m learning to live with the heartache of losing those relationships, and with having a job rather than a career. I’ve gained so much more life – time with my own children, flexible working hours and WFH days, time with my partner and energy to help out around the house. It is uncomfortable to make such a drastic change and it has helped me to learn more about myself and what I want. I’m learning to take each day as it comes instead of having all consuming goals to drive me forwards.

After some reflection, I know that I want to write. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do since I discovered the love of language at age 5. I’ve always wanted to write a book. Now without a career, I have the energy, emotional bandwidth and time to do it.

Scrabble tiles spelling out the words "Why not now"
Photo by Brett Jordan on

Time to get to work!

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